Joseph E. Weaver bio photo

Joseph E. Weaver

Environmental Engineering
108 Cassie Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle UK NE1 7RU

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NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Newcastle University.

Education and Employment

2013 - 2021 North Carolina State University PhD, Civil Engineering. Minor in Biotechnology.

2011 - 2013 North Carolina State University MS, Environmental Engineering

2002 - 2011 Sonalysts, Inc Programmer/Analyst

1997 - 2002 Cornell University BS, Electrical Engineering

Awards and Fellowships

2021 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology, National Science Foundation. NSF Award 2007151.

2020 W. Wesley Eckenfelder Graduate Research Award for 2020 from the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists/Association of Environmental Engineering Scientists and Professors

2014-2017 GAANN Fellow, Microbial Biotechnology Training Program. (US Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Award # P200A140020)

Travel Grants

2023 Federation of European Microbiological Societies, travel to FEMS 2023.

2022 International Society for Microbial Ecology, travel award to ISME18.

2019 NCSU College of Engineering Travel Award. Covering travel to the IWA MEWE 2019 Conference, Hiroshima.

2019 NCSU Graduate Student Association Travel Award. Covering travel to the IWA MEWE 2019 Conference, Hiroshima.

Poster Awards

2021 Runner-up Modeling environmental bioreactors treating wastewater by integrating biological processes, floc microenvironments, and computational fluid dynamics. EB Network Early Career Researcher Conference, online

2017 3rd place poster, What’s Driving Microbial Community Assembly in Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment? NC-AWWA-WEA Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC

2014 1st place poster, Effect of Variable Shear on the Formation of Aerobic Granules in an Eccentric Couette Micro-reactor. CCEE WREE Annual Symposium, Raleigh, NC

2012 2nd place poster, Anaerobic biodegradability of plastics in laboratory-scale landfill reactors. Global Waste Management Symposium, Phoenix, AZ


A list containing abstracts and links to fulltext is also available online.

2023 Weaver, JE. (2023) “Quantifying drift-selection balance using an agent-based model of identical heterotrophs under low nutrient conditions.” Royal Society Interface Focus. In press

2021 Weaver, JE. (2021) “From Floc to Reactor Scales: A Multi-Faceted Investigation Integrating Microbial Ecological Experiments and Computational Modeling to Understand Aerobic Wastewater Systems.” Under the direction of de los Reyes III, F.L., Ducoste, J.J., Call, D.E., and Goller, C.G. PhD Dissertation, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC.

2019 Wu L, Ning D, Zhang B, Li Y, Zhang P, Shan X, Zhang Q, Brown MR, Li Z, Van Nostrand JD, Ling F, Xiao N, Zhang Y, Vierheilig J, Wells GF, Yang Y, Deng Y, Tu Q, Wang A, Acevedo D, Agullo-Barcelo M, Andersen GL, de Araujo JC, Boehnke KF, Bond P, Bott CB, Bovio P, Brewster RK, Bux F, Cabezas A, Cabrol L, Chen S, Etchebehere C, Ford A, Frigon D, Gómez JS, Griffin JS, Gu AZ, Habagil M, Hale L, Hardeman SD, Harmon M, Horn H, Hu Z, Jauffur S, Johnson DR, Keucken A, Kumari S, Leal CD, Lebrun LA, Lee J, Lee M, Lee ZMP, Li M, Li X, Liu Y, Luthy RG, Mendonça-Hagler LC, de Menezes FGR, Meyers AJ, Mohebbi A, Noyola A, Oehmen A, Palmer A, Parameswaran P, Park J, Patsch D, Reginatto V, de los Reyes FL, Rossetti S, Sidhu J, Sloan WT, Smith K, de Sousa OV, Stephens K, Tian R, Tooker NB, De los Cobos Vasconcelos D, Wakelin S, Wang B, Weaver JE, West S, Wilmes P, Woo S-G, Wu J-H, Wu L, Xi C, Xu M, Yan T, Yang M, Young M, Yue H, Zhang Q, Zhang W, Zhang Y, Zhou H, Zhang T, He Z, Keller J, Nielsen PH, Alvarez PJJ, Criddle CS, Wagner M, Tiedje JM, He Q, Curtis TP, Stahl DA, Alvarez-Cohen L, Rittmann BE, Wen X and Zhou J. “Global diversity and biogeography of bacterial communities in wastewater treatment plants”. Nature Microbiology 4, 1183–1195 (2019) doi:10.1038/s41564-019-0426-5. [bib]

2019 Weaver, JE and Wang, L and de los Reyes III, FL and Barlaz MA “Systems and Methods for Studying Microbial Processes and Communities in Landfills” in Understanding Terrestrial Microbial Communities Hurst, CJ ed. Springer ISBN:978-3-030-10777-2 [bib]

2019 Weaver, JE and Williams, JC and Ducoste, JJ and de los Reyes III, FL “Measuring the Shape and Size of Activated Sludge Particles Immobilized in Agar with an Open Source Software Pipeline” Journal of Visualized Experiments v143, e58963. doi:10.3791/58963 [bib]

2018 Weaver, JE and Hong, H and Ducoste, JJ and de los Reyes III, FL “Controlling aerobic biological floc size using Couette-Taylor bioreactors” Water Research v147, pp 177-183. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2018.09.060 [bib]

2016 Weaver, JE and Ducoste, JJ and de los Reyes III, FL “Fluid shear variation potentially plays a role in aerobic granular sludge formation” Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, WEFTEC 2016, v2016 i11 pp 5737-5744. doi:10.2175/193864716819706734) [bib]

2015 de los Reyes III, FL and Weaver, JE and Wang, L “A methodological framework for linking bioreactor function to microbial communities and environmental conditions.” Current Opinion in Biotechnlogy v33, pp 112-118. doi:10.1016/j.copbio.2015.02.002 [bib]

2013 Weaver, JE, “Effect of Inoculum Source on the Rate and Extent of Anaerobic Biodegradation” Under the direction of Barlaz, MA and de los Reyes III, FL. MS Thesis, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. [bib]

In Submission

Weaver, JE and Zuliani, P and Chen, J. and Mcgough, S and Li, B and Ofiteru, ID and Wipa, A and Davenport, R and Swailes, D and Curtis, TP “Accelerating environmental bioreactor design: Why your care and phone are getting faster than your sewage works and anaerobic digester” Environmental Science and Technology (viewpoint)

Haq, A and Malik, A and Khan, A and Weaver, JE and Wang, L and Khan, H and Shah, S and Ahmed, AA and de los Reyes III, FL and Badshah, M “Effect of removal of inhibitors on microbial communities and biogas yield of Jatropha curcas during continuous anaerobic digestion.” Reneweable Sustainable Energy Reviews

In Preparation

Weaver, JE and Ducoste, JJ and de los Reyes III, FL “Stochastic and niche-driven community assembly between two full-scale wastewater treatment plants With initially identical microbial communities

Weaver, JE and Ducost, JJ and de los Reyes III, FL “A combined computational fluid dynamics and biokinetic framework for simulating aerobic wastewater treatment using loosely coupled sequential components

Presentations and Conference Invitations


2023 Weaver, J.E. Understanding the balance between drift and selection in biofilm formation using agent-based biofilm modelling. Association of Environmental Engineering Scientists and Professors (AEESP) Conference 2023, Boston, US.

2023 Weaver, J.E. Illuminating the balance between drift and kinetics in biofilm formation using an agent-based model to maniuplate luck. Federation of European Microbial Societies (FEMS) Conference 2023. Hamburg, Germany (poster) 2022 Weaver, J.E. Fit or just luck? Using agent-based biofilm models to quantify the selection advantage required to overcome negative selection via random drift. 1St Annual Microbiology Oylmpiad Symposium, Newcastle, UK

2021 Weaver, J.E. Drift Matters, Until it Doesn’t: Quantifying the Fitness Advantage Necessary to Overcome Negative Drift Selection using an Agent-Based Model of Spatially Competing Heterotrophic Bacteria, 9th IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Specialist Conference (MEWE2021), Delft, Netherlands. (presented virtually)

2021 Weaver, J.E., de los Reyes III, F.L. and Ducoste J.J. Implementing a Single Modeling Approach that Combines Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Biokinetics, Micro-floc Scale Diffusion, and Particle Sizes. WEFTEC, Chicago IL. (n.b. J. Ducoste presented on Weaver’s behalf due to conference schedule conflicts)

2019 Weaver, J.E., and de los Reyes III, F.L. Microbial Community Assembly in Two Full Scale Aerobic Basins Containing Identical Starting Populations: Drivers and Implications, 8th IWA Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering Specialist Conference (MEWE2019), Hiroshima, Japan.

2016 Weaver, J.E., de los Reyes III, F.L. and Ducoste J.J. Inducing aerobic granular sludge formation through unevenly distributed hydrodynamic shear rates NC AWWA-WEA, Raleigh, NC.

2016 Weaver, J.E., de los Reyes III, F.L. and Ducoste J.J. Fluid shear variation potentially plays a role in aerobic granular sludge formation. WEFTEC, New Orleans, LA.

2015 Weaver, J.E., and de los Reyes III, F.L. Microbial Ecology of Aerobic Wastewater Treatment: Community assembly during full scale startup and dynamics of bench scale granulation. NCSU MBTP Symposium, Raleigh, NC.

2015 Weaver, J.E., and Barlaz, M.A. Effect of Inoculum source on the rate and extent of anaerobic biodegradation AWMA National Conference, Raleigh, NC.

Invited Seminars and Conferences

2022 Weaver, J.E. Inferring Drift Prevalence Using Agent-Based Biofilm Models and Its Implications in Environmental Biotechnology Les Ecologistes Seminar Series, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, CA (presented remotely)

2022 Session Chair. Microbial ecology for engineering biology, the Theo Murphy international scientific meeting of The Royal Society, Buckinghamshire UK.

2021 Weaver, J.E. From Floc to Reactor Scales: A Multi-Faceted Investigation Integrating Microbial Ecological Experiments and Computational Modeling to Understand Aerobic Wastewater Systems. Environmental Engineering Research Group Seminar Series, Newcastle University, Newcastle UK

Pedagocial training

2022 Data and Software Carpentries Instructor Training Program

2019 Completed the NCSU Teaching and Communication Certificate.


Teaching assistant

Spring 2021 CE 774 - Environmental Biotechnology

Spring 2019 CE 481 - Senior Design Project

Spring 2019 CE 774 - Environmental Biotechnology

Fall 2019 CE 484 - Water Supply and Wastewater Systems

Spring 2018 CE 497/596 - Global WASH

Fall 2017 CE 484 - Water Supply and Wastewater Systems.

Fall 2014 CE 573 - Biological Principles of Environmental Engineering.

Course Guest lectures

Spring 2023 CEG 8110 - Project skills and professional development. Efficiently conducting a literature review.

Spring 2023 CEG 8110 - Project skills and professional development. Introduction to coding in Python.

Spring 2023 CEG 8104 - Wastewater Engineering. Solving wastewater design problems via Python. (Computer lab practical)

Spring 2015 - Fall 2018 BIT 495 - Metagenomics. Guest lectures on ordination and data visualization.

Falls 2014-2017 CE 378 - Environmental chemistry and microbiology. Facilitated lab on identifying problem orgranisms in wastewater via microscopy.

Internal Workshops Organized

2022 Peer and Expert MSc Oral Defense Feedback Session, Newcastle University Environmental Engineering MSc Program

2022 Performing an Effective Literature Search, Newcastle University Environmental Engineering MSc Professional Development, special workshop

2022 Constructing an Individual Development Plan Newcastle Environmental Engineering Early Career Researcher Development

2014 Laziness, Levers, and Literature. How to search and manage the literature. NCSU CCEE Department Seminar.

Formal Mentoring

2023 - present PhD Co-Supervisor to Xiaoqi Yu, working title Spatio-temporal antimicrobial resistance (AMR) patterns in catchments and AMR attenuation within green infrastructure

2023 - present MSc Supervisor to Hongze Li, working title Screening competition between bacteria relevant to environmnetal biotechnology

2022 MSc Supervisor to Xiaoqi Yu, Creation of a Pairwise Interaction Database of Antibacterial Type VI Secretion Systems

Summer 2016 - 2018 Research Internship Summer Experience (RISE) Program. Responsible for training and mentoring undergraduate researchers while they performed their own summer research culuminating in poster presentation.

2017 Formed and coordinated prelim study group for graduate student cohort.

2013 Graduate mentor for ungraduate research to Ally Patrick. Thermal Acclimation of Mesosphilic Inocula for Thermophilic Biochemical Methane Potential Tests

2011 thru 2018 Multiple undergraduate research assistants.


Peer Review

2013-203 Articles reviewed for multiple journals, including Water Science & Technology, Waste Managment, and Journal of Environmental Engineering, Royal Society Interface Focus.


2017 - 2018 Girl Scouts of America engineering day

2013 - 2016 Boy Scouts of America engineering day


2023-present Postgrad member of Newcastle University environemntal engineering seminar committee.

2019-2020 Lab group representative, Environmental Engineering Lab Condition and Safety Committee

2019 Invited panel member, “Tell It Like It Is”: Teaching Assistant Discussion Panel for the NCSU campuswide New TA workshop

2015 Chair, program committee. NCSU CCEE WREE Graduate Research Symposium.

Current Professional Organizations

  • International Water Association
  • International Society for Microbial Ecology


As Primary Investigator or Fellow

2019 Weaver, Joseph E. Individual Based Modelling of Chemically Mediated Microbial Interactions in Biofilms. NSF-Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Biology (Awarded NSF 2007151)

2014 Weaver, Joseph E. Microbial Biotechnology Training Program, Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need. US Department of Education (Awarded DoE GANN P200A140020)

As mentor for undergraduate research

2013 Joseph E., Patrick, Ally Thermal Acclimation of Mesosphilic Inocula for Thermophilic Biochemical Methane Potential Tests. (Awarded)

Contributing writer

2022 Zuliani, P., Li, B., and Curtis, T.P. NUFEB: Microbial Communities Simulation for the (Biologists) Masses EPSRC

2021 Zuliani, P, Li. B., Allen, B., and Curtis, T.P. BIOHPC: Simulating Microbial Communities on High-Performance Computers EPSRC IAA (Awarded)

2021 Curtis, T.P., Allen, B., and Zuliani, P. Accelerating Innovation By Designing Water Treatment Biofilm Media in silico. NBIC PoC (Awarded)

2017 de los Reyes III, Francis L. and Ducoste, Joel J. Using Microbial Ecology Theory to Understand Microbial Community Dynamics and Improve Function of Anaerobic Bioreactors. NSF.(Awarded)

2017 de los Reyes III, Francis L. Understanding substrate-community interactions to develop resilient anaerobic digestion of food waste. EREF. (Awarded)

2016 de los Reyes III, Francis L. and Ducoste, Joel J. WERF: Microbial ecology theory as a framework for understanding and improving anaerobic co-digestion. NSF.

Professional Development


2022 EBNET Metabolic Modelling

2019 NCSU Teaching and Communication Certificate

Microbial Biotechnololgy Training Program, US Department of Education Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need

2016 BIT Professional Development Seminar.

2015 BIT Capstone Seminar.

2015 BIT Research Ethics Seminar.


2017 Introduction to Teaching.

2017 Responding to Student Writing.

2017 Teaching Portfolio.

2017 Avoiding Death By Powerpoint.

2017 How to Engage with Diverse Learning Styles.

2017 Managing Conflict in the Classroom.

2017 Teaching Assistant Orientation Symposium.

2017 Moodle Essentials, DELTA workshop.

2017 AEESP Strategies, Tools, and Tips for Teaching in Environmental Engineering and Sciences.

Grant writing

2019 September mini-course on grant identification, drafting, and submission

2018 Broadening the Impacts of Your Research workshop.


2019 Composing Cover Letters for Academic Jobs

2019 How to deliver a Job Talk

2019 3D Scanning Studio Orientation

2019 How to Write Concise Sentences

2018 Best Practices in Software Citation seminar.

2017 Title IX Training Certificate.

(2016 - Present) American Association for the Advancement of Science Individual Development Planning

2017 Developing Arduino Projects.

2016 Makerspace Orientation.

2015 AEESP Case Studies in Project Based Learning.

2014 COMSOL Multiphysics and Chemical Engineering Workshop.

2013 Writing Research Introductions in the Sciences.

2012 Bioinformatics Databases and Tools: The Basics.

2011 Finding Information While you Sleep

2011 Managing Your Research Using the Libraries