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Joseph E. Weaver

Environmental Engineering
108 Cassie Building
Newcastle University
Newcastle UK NE1 7RU

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Joseph E. Weaver, Jon C. Williams, Joel J. Ducoste, Francis L. de los Reyes III


The size and shape of particles in activated sludge are important parameters that are measured using varying methods. Inaccuracies arise from non-representative sampling, suboptimal images, and subjective analysis parameters. To minimize these errors and ease measurement, we present a protocol specifying every step, including an open source software pipeline.

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Biblographic Info

(2019) Weaver, JE and Willaims, JC and Ducoste JJ and de los Reyes III, FL “Measuring the Shape and Size of Activated Sludge Particles Immobilized in Agar with an Open Source Software Pipeline” Journal of Visualized Experiments v143, e58963. doi:10.3791/58963 [bib]